Monday, November 16, 2009

I wanna stay home and play video games!

I'm watching Jens and Ryan play Tug o War on Rock Band and the testosterone is flyin. It's pretty intense. So far they've played 2 out of 5 songs and they're pretty much tied up. Right now they're battling it out with Less Talk More Rokk and it's close. Anyone could take this one.

This is the highlight of my far. I've cleaned my room and I've completed 1 of the 4 loads of laundry I'm hoping to finish today. Later tonight, I'm going by Hastings to rent Left 4 Dead 2. I'm gonna buy it on Thursday when I get paid. Totally psyched. Today is going by slooooow. I'm trying to think of things to do until 11:30.

I need to start getting Christmas presents. I don't this year to be like last year-waiting until 2 days before Christmas to get everyones gifts. I'm gonna start making a list today. That should kill an hour or two.

I shall leave you with a few manbabies.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kill all sons of bitches


Monday, November 9, 2009

I bought a journal so I could write stuff down. That way I wouldn't forget things. I even went through all the pages and put the dates on top of all the pages and I got almost all the way through April. After a week I realized I don't have much I have to do/remember. This kinda made me sad.
Oh well.

I'm thinking of writing a Zombie story. Go ahead. Make fun of me, I know everyone is going to. Just get it over with. I've been thinking about it a lot, and I think I'm gonna just use San Angelo as the location and use people I know. I haven't really written anything since high school, seeing as I have not taken an English class since. Not to mention, I was never a great author to begin with, so its probably not gonna turn out real well. I'm still gonna try. Maybe I'll use that notebook since it's not getting much use anyways.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pack it up, Pack it in...

Let me begin, battle me, that's a sin....

Anyways, it's apparently freezing cold out today. I wouldn't know, since I've yet to even get out of my pajamas. Jens put on a long sleeve shirt and said the high for today is gonna be 50 and of course everyone on Facebook is all "Lovin the weather!" or "I'm freezin my nuts off" or something.

Enough about the weather, that's boring. Fallout 3. I've been playing that for the last couple weeks. It's a helluva game. I didn't really think I'd like it, but I love it. Of course they'd come out with the Game of the Year Edition literally a week after I picked it up. Anyways, it's an awesome game. Why aren't you playing? Why aren't I playing? Shit.

Halloween is this weekend. FINALLY! I am so f-in excited. I'm gonna be Zoey from Left 4 Dead. I have to work until 10 on Halloween, but we can wear our costumes to work. Good thing NOBODY is gonna know what I am. Oh well.

Speaking of zombies, I've been watching a lot of zombie movies lately. They always get me thinking of ways to zombie-proof the house and whatnot. I will probably sit there for hours on end thinking of such things. I've decided that it's probably not healthy and I'm going to chill out on the zombie movies a little bit. BUT if/when there is a Zombie Apocalypse, I'll be prepared. WILL YOU?

Jens and I watched Milo and Otis the other night. I missed that movie soo much. My sisters and I would watch that movie ALL the time when we were little. I want to get a pug and name him Otis now.

I need to get a phone. No, let me rephrase that-I REALLY need to get a phone. Not having one blows. Maybe I can get one next month. I'm gonna be really broke for a few weeks. SUPER BUDGETING TIME GO!

Also, apparently, Tegan and Sara are coming out with a new album this week. I had no idea. My boss just kinda mentioned it last week. I'm psyched to listen to it at work now. But that won't be until Wednesday, as I am off until then.

Ok, I'm gonna stop pretending the internet cares about my ramblings now.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I love this person

So, I just came across this amazing website.
I only wish I had thought of it first.

Thinning the Herd

I want to be this persons best friend.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Oh, the joys of Walmart...

Jens had an assignment for class and his teacher had the students look at this link as part of the assignment: people of walmart.

I suggest you click on that link right now. It's pretty hilarious.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

R.I.P. Ziggy Marie Stardust

My hamster Ziggy passed away on Thursday (just 2 days before the big race).
We had a mini funeral for her and she is buried next to the house in the front/side yard. We couldn't bury her in the backyard, since my roommates dog is likely to dig her up. Dwight and Saras hamster, Timothy raced in her honor on Saturday. Timothy got fourth place and Dwight totally blew it, but that's ok.

Ziggy was an old gal. Almost 2 years old. That's pretty old for a hamster. Their life expectancy is only 2-3 years.
I remember the day I got her. I was in Witchita Falls with Tyler, Kela and her family for Stevo and Carlys wedding. Tyler and I had driven there the day before for the ceremony and then we spent the night so we wouldn't have to drive back at night.
The next day we hung out some more with the Kunderts. We ended up in Petco, and that's where I met Ziggy. At first I wanted to get a male hamster so I could name him Bowie, but all the males looked kinda scary and not cute at all. So I decided to go with a cute little girl ham ham; Ziggy.

Ziggy Marie Stardust will be missed. She was one of the greatest hamsters to ever live.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Passive Aggressive Notes

These are pretty funny.
It makes you realize how crazy some people are.

Passive Aggressive Notes

This weekend

So I lost my phone Friday night. At the Grove, which is just another Angelo Place.
It really really blows not having a phone, but at least now I can get a new one.
I don't want to get another Go phone, but I don't really have the money to get a real phone. Jens was talking about us getting a plan together but he's on his parents plan right now and it doesn't end until May.
I need a new job before I get a phone anyways. Ryan said his mom could probably hook me up with a job at ACT. I'm gonna go by tomorrow to pick up an application.

The big hamster race is this Saturday at Petco. Ziggy's got a long week of training to do. Can't wait.

I've started drawing again. I'm not as good as I used to be. I mean, I wasn't ever great at it, but I was a lot better than I am now. I'm just gonna have to keep practicin.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Yeah! Flash Cards!

Wow, No post for almost a month

So, Jens and I have been together for 8 months now. He's pretty much awesome.

I bought Flight of the Conchords season 2 for $2.99 at work. That's a sweet deal if I ever saw one.

I still play Left 4 Dead alllll the time and I think I'm slowly becoming addicted to zombies.
There's a new zombie movie coming out next month that I really want to see.

I'd still want to see it if I'd never played Left 4 Dead.

I'm obsessed with dumb Facebook games. I have to check Farmville and Restaurant City every few hours. It's ridiculous and kinda sad. But I know there are others that are just as into it as I am, so I don't feel so bad.

Ziggy and Dwight are entered into the hamster race at Petco next month. Sara and Sean are bringing Timothy too. We're supposed to be sponsored by Hastings and we should be getting shirts. I really hope Tiffany goes through with the shirts. They'd be bitchin.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pizza rolls are the shit

I can't wait for the timer to go off.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pretty Owl Necklace

This necklace is awesome.
I want it.

Here's a link to botanicalbirds etsy page. Her stuff is so pretty. I wish I could make stuff this cool.

Bioshock: The Movie?

Yesterday a friend of mine informed me that there is a Bioshock movie in production.
I'm really curious to see what it's gonna be like. I really really hope they do a good job on it.
I love Bioshock. It's such an awesome game. They better do it justice or I'm going to hunt down everyone that was involved in the making of that movie and kill them.
Ok, so I'm not going to do that. I'm not crazy. But I will be pissed if they don't do it right.

Here's the link he gave me.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I was searching for ideas for my tattoo and I stumbled across this chick.
Her art is cute and simple. Amazing.
I'm seriously considering ordering something of hers once I have some money.

Check it out here.

New News...

So last night, around 11 o'clock, as Jens and I had just pulled into our neighborhood, we saw a guy riding a bike with a giant inflatable Chester the Cheetah on his shoulders.

At first I was like:

And then I was like:

Actually, I'm just glad to have a good reason to use that I AM CONFUS picture.

Anyways, I've kind of started playing Animal Crossing again. I wish more people I knew played it. Maybe then it'd be a bit less boring.

School started yesterday. Everyone went back but me. My roommates said that parking is super shitty and there are cops that sit in the parking lots to make sure no one parks where they aren't allowed. Also tuition went up and everyone's just all around pissed at ASU. Since I'm not going to school I'll be getting more morning shifts at work, and hopefully, a couple more hours a week. I really need to start job searching again. I always get way too distracted.

Hopefully I'll get to see my sisters, mom and my niece this weekend. My sisters have a volleyball game in a town not too far from here. That reminds me, I found this cute little box at work that I'm getting for my niece. It's got stuff like stickers and pens and shit in it, but she could use it for other stuff...later...when she's got motor skills.

I've noticed that since my life has become less boring, there are actually less things I care to blog about. Strange.

I think I'm gonna work on my tattoo some more today. Maybe someday I won't be broke and I'll be able to afford it.

I'll leave you with this:
Stare at this their faces. The longer you look at them, the funnier they are.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I want a new camera

I really want to get a digital camera.
Don't get me wrong, I love my film camera. But it would be just so much easier and cheaper to have my pics already in a digital format. Also, I won't have mysterious rolls of film sitting around for months at a time. I'm always gonna keep the ol Canon Rebel K2. It was a gift and my first camera. It's got sentimental value.

I would like to get another Canon. I don't need a super awesome camera with all the bells and whistles, just a good camera...mostly because I can't afford the bells and whistles. Actually right now I can't afford just a regular digital camera. Hopefully in the next couple months I will have paid Jennifer back completely and I can start saving for a new camera.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I just realized I havn't uploaded anything to DeviantArt since April.

Dexter season 3 is out today!


In a little bit I'm gonna go into town to:
-rent Dexter season 3
-drop off a roll or 2 of film (not sure how many I have)
-get a few things from Wal Mart

Then later:
-watch Dexter
-do some laundry
-edit photos
-possibly clean my room...maybe I'll do it tomorrow.....

Now, I need to stop being lazy and blow dry my hair so I can get this stuff going.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Old friends, tattoos, and snakes

Today Mel, Karina and Valerie came into town. It was freakin awesome. I hadn't seen them in forever. Mel and Valerie wanted to get matching tattoos. They both got a jaguar head with flowers on the front of their shoulders. It looks really cool. Maybe when one of them puts up a pic, I'll post it here. Valerie went home, since her family lives here and Mel and Karina left town since Karina's gotta work tomorrow and Melody drove here. I hope I can make a trip to see them next month. Maybe Mel could drive here and then we could drive to Stephenville to see Karina. That'd be rad.

When I got home my roommates informed me that there was a snake hanging out int he wooden fence separating our neighbors porch and ours. Jennifer called Animal Control. The guy seemed kinda goofy but he was an alright guy.

I had some cookies n creme icecream, which was amazing. Now I'm about to watch yet another episode of Lost (I've been working on the first season for over a week now. srsly, that show has the longest seasons EVER) and work on my own tattoo. I want to put a running rabbit on my foot. I think it would suit me. I've been on crutches for almost 9 years, so I hop around a lot.

Anywho, I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon. Jens will be home. He went on a trip to Odessa to work at the Hastings there with a few other employees from here. I know he's only gone for a total of 2 days, but I still miss him.

Monday, August 10, 2009


I forgot to mention that this show is awesome and I can't wait until the 18th when the 3rd season comes out.
Jesses' bitch roommate went nuts and kicked her out, so she moved in with us the other day.
I don't mind her living here, actually she's a pretty rad chick.
I really like living with people I like. Living at Angelo Place suuuucked. It's not that I didn't like my roommates, it's the fact that I didn't know them and it was kind of awkward. But now it's just like hanging out with friends all the time.

Also rent is going to be freakin cheap. I still owe Jennifer a bunch of money, but after this month-or maybe even after next week, I'll be able to start paying her back. This month was kind of expensive with all the fees to start stuff up-like water, electricity, cable. And we also had to get a bunch of stuff that are important to have but no one had-trashcan, broom, food, etc...

I went to try to sell my plasma today but turns out I can't, since I have cancer. Oh well, no cash till Friday.

Left 4 Dead

I've been playing this a lot lately. I fuckin love it. I don't know why-but it's awesome.
They're coming out with the second one in the fall. Can't wait.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


what is this?

No posts lately because

I've been moving.
Jens, Jennifer, Ethan and I all moved into a duplex this past weekend. So far it's been pretty awesome. We've havn't even been here a week and I already burned a hole in the carpet by pulling on the hookah hose. Go me.
We've got an Xbox, a Wii, a Playstation 2, an N64, a dog, a cat and 2 hamsters all under one roof.
It's pretty sweet.

But yeah...I can't really think of anything else at the moment so this is the end of this post.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

I need to pack

We move into our new place in exactly one week and I havn't even begun packing. I was going to pack yesterday and today since I was scheduled off but I picked up shifts both days and after work I just feel like being lazy.
My next day off will be the day we move in, so I'm gonna have to get my ass in gear.
Maybe I'll just wake up a little early tomorrow and start packing. Jens said he'd stop by Chick-Fil-A after he got off to get some boxes so maybe I'll pack a little tonight.

I know I've said this a thousand times already, but I'm really fucking excited about the new place. I have a countdown on my calendar for it. I know it's unnecessary, but it adds to the excitement.

Melodys birthday is Sunday and she wanted me to go to Lubbock with her this weekend to celebrate. Believe me, I wanted to go, but I have to work. I told her I'll try to come visit her in August, since by then I'll have more money and I'll be able to take off a day or two. We only live an hour apart so I don't know why we don't see each other more often. She and Kelly dropped by the other day and surprised me. I hadn't realized how much I missed her until I saw them.
We should start visiting each other at least once a month. I really really miss Melody.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tone Matrix

Make Music!

"Simple sinewave synthesizer triggered by an ordinary 16step sequencer. Each triggered step causes a force on the underlaying wave-map, which makes it more cute."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Meowcenaries Complete

This game is awesome. Go play it NOW!

And now it's in your head too

Blast From the Past

"A woman whose wallet was swiped in Central Park 27 years ago got a blast from the past when it was discovered last week stuffed inside the hollow of a dying cherry tree."
Here's the rest of the story.

Monday, July 6, 2009

King of the Hill

God I love this show.
I'm going to buy all the seasons by the end of this year.


Dear Hastings Customers,

Please please please learn your kids good. Teach them not to yell and scream in public. Teach them that running around in the store whilst knocking shit over is NOT ok. Also, while you're at it, develop some manners yourself and maybe read a book or two. Don't just sit in front of the tv, watching the shitty movie you just rented. Try walking on over to the other side of the store and buy a book that isn't filled with pictures.
I don't go to your place of business and move things around because I'm too lazy to put something back where I found it, even if it's two feet from where I just was. I don't go there and ask dumb fucking questions. And if I had a baby, I definately wouldn't keep browsing through movies if it was screaming it's head off. I would at least go to the bathroom to see if I could calm it down so the employees and other customers didn't feel like punching me in the face.
So, how about you stop acting like you were raised in a barn and your sister is your mother, and start being less of a fuckup.

Hastings Employee

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dumb Bitches

Today on my break I only had 30 minutes so I just sat in the cafe. I got lucky and the couch was open so I sprawled out on it.
Anyways, there was this table with about 8-10 old ladies jabbering. One in particular told a story about one of her old students in Ohio or something that had called her a week ago. She said she hadn't talked to her student in years so she was surprised how she found her. She said she asked the girl how she found her number and the girl said she had looked her up on Google. The old lady was amazed and a little scared that someone could find her on the internet. And apparently all her friends thought it was nuts too because after she told them how the girl found her, they all let out gasps.

Also, a couple days ago a lady called the store asking if we sold AOL start-up discs. She got mad when I told her we didn't sell them and even more angry when I told her I didn't think they even made them anymore. She said she needed one so she could check her email and she didn't want to have to get NetZero.

Fourth of July Weekend

I had to work until 10 and Jens had to close so I didn't really do anything for the 4th. I saw a firework by accident when looking out the window at work. At least everyone was too busy at the lake and shootin off fireworks so it was kinda slow.
Jens is going out of town tomorrow for work and he won't be back until Tuesday night. That makes me kinda sad, but that's ok.

We move into our new place in 12 days and I can't freakin wait.

Anyways, Happy (late) Birthday, AMURRIKKKA! Maybe next year I can blow some shit up.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Today at they have this awesome shirt:
You should check out They put up something new that's on sale everyday.
There's also I'm not really into wine, but you're gonna like it-you're-you're gonna like it.

Jens' Birthday Weekend-

-Was pretty rad.
I didn't get any pictures simply because I didn't bring my camera; Jens said they probably wouldn't allow big cameras into Emos. And I would have just brought it to take pics of things other than the show, but I didn't feel like leaving it in the car in the middle of Austin. Oh well.

When we got to there the guy asked to see my ID and he stamped my hands even though I'm 21. I wasn't going to drink but it still pissed me off for some reason. I'm still a little peeved about it. Also, it was balls hot. Seriously. I was sweating so much, it felt like I had stepped into a shower with my clothes on.

The opening bands were The Murdocks and Jones Street Station. Both were pretty good. I liked the second one a little better though. The guy who played harmonica had a utility belt for all of his harmonicas. He really got into the music and he had long hair so when he was playing it looked like he was headbanging.
And of course, Ben Kweller was awesome. I've hadn't seen him before. He put on a great show. I've never really listened to him much. Don't get me wrong, I liked what I had heard, but just never put any effort into looking into his stuff. I have a new appreciation for him now. He and his band all did a freakin awesome show and I hope to see them again someday.

I'm broke as hell now but it was totally worth it.

Jens and Ethan are going to Warped Tour in a couple weeks and I'm totally jealous. Maybe next year.

Thursday, June 25, 2009



This Weekend

For Jens' Birthday.

Ben Kweller at Emo's.

Gonna be pretty sweet. We're gonna stay with Jens' brother in San Antonio, but hopefully we'll get to see Danimal before we leave Austin.

I Wish

my life was more interesting so I could post more.
I want adventures. I know it's balls hot but I want to go to the park and play around and fly kites and act like i'm a kid. All I ever do anymore is work, watch tv, play Zelda, or sit around at friends houses. I like being "grown up" I just wish every now and then everyone would relax and be a kid. Being "grown up" all the time stresses me out and makes me sad.

I'm going to make a lot lf changes once we move into the new house. It'll be kinda like a half new year-I'm making all these new resolutions in my head. I'm trying to think of as many as possible so that I'll at least keep up with a few.

I'm so excited, I can't freaking wait.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Black Keys

I've been listening to these guys A LOT lately. Mostly playing it at work, since I don't actually have any of their music. Blues/Rock, havn't listened to any kind of music like this in a long time. Glad I decided to throw Attack & Release into the cd player at work.
Heeeeeeeeeerrres a link to their myspace.


I really really wish I got Showtime so I could watch the new season. I just recently got caught up on the last one.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

I got my old N64 up and running, so I've been playing this the last week or so.
Almost done-just gotta do the last battle, which I'll probably be doing in a little bit.

I love this game. It's mah favorite.

Monday, June 22, 2009

I think I'm gonna stop using my livejournal.
I hardly ever update, and I only have about 2 friends there, and one of them is Jens and I see him everyday. So it's kind of pointless.

I started a photography blog- Lightspeed Photography. I named it after a Matt & Kim song. :D I'm hoping it'll motivate me to get back into photography. I really really like it. I know I'm no professional, but I like to think I have a knack for it.

Also, I can't fucking wait to move into the house with Jens, Jennifer and Ethan. It's gonna be fucking awesome.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

This Kid Is Cool


A few weeks ago while stocking cds at work I came across a band called IWrestledABearOnce.

This made me a little bit angry. I was not aware of a band by that name. If I was, I would have called my blog something else.
They are a metalcore band, or something along those lines. I'm not into them, but you might be.
I just wanted to get out that this blog is in no way affiliated with that band.



Wednesday, March 11, 2009


i havn't posted in over a month because my computer is messed up.
it won't let me do hardly anything on the internet anymore, except get on facebook and youtube. and that's about it. well, i can get on here too, i just can't post anything.
i found my pass key to get into the computer lab so yay! i felt that i should probly update.

i turn 21 tomorrow. excited. i don't drink very often but when i do i like to GET DRUNK. haha. unfortunately i have to close tomorrow and open friday which is lame, but i can party friday night.

i saw matt and kim last friday with jens! in austin! it was very excitin! they opened for cut copy, who are pretty good, but i wish cc opened for m&k. we stayed with dan. i missed him. he's a pretty rad guy.

i wish i could afford to go to sxsw. i'm too broke. :(

i can't wait to move out of angelo place. it suuuuuucksssss.
my neighbors are constantly blaring their music and management won't do anything about it. the walls are so thin i can hear when the people upstairs flush their toilet. the rent is waaayyy too high. they're making me pay for shit i don't even use; pool, tanning bed, gym. the maintenence guys are rude. and 90% of the people that live here parks like a dick.
toothpaste for dinner

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i wanna be yo loverrrrr

lover by devendra banhart.


havn't posted since saturday.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


lola-the kinks

Friday, January 23, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

mr. chi city

is badass.
check out the rest of his vids on youtube.

trippin balls

Married To The Sea

more balls trippin here


toothpaste for dinner


matt and kims new album GRAND came out yesterday. it's pretty freakin awesome.
i played it in the store my whole shift.
too bad i can't buy it till payday.


Monday, January 19, 2009

suck my ass

charles the predator

ok, i'm done posting videos for tonight. i have to be at work in 5 hours so ima go to sleep.

around the world

around the world by the death set

seems a little unsanitary...

eh, i'd probly still do it anyways.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

sorry no posts today

i was too hungover to care.
and right now, i just don't have time.

Friday, January 16, 2009

your very own ceiling cat!

panda of the day

and now, the most annoying bitch on the internet

matt and kim!

i love matt and kim!
can't wait for jan 20! their new album comes out. i've got a copy reserved for myself and i plan on playing it in the store.
matt and kim at myspace

Thursday, January 15, 2009

why don't you have a seat?

deviant art

here are a few favs from deviant art

B i r d S o n G by =widjita on deviantART

Hokusai's Hair by *luminatii on deviantART

tinyface by `BurlapZack on deviantART

Oh mother earth, have mercy by ~chemical-nos on deviantART

mine is here.

now it's time for

BABY PANDAS!!!!!!!!!!!!

mgmt is teh shit

end of story.
get your mind blown here

arrested development

i know this show's been out for a long time now, but i'm just getting around to watching it. and it's awesome. if you havn't watched it you should head on over to hulu and do so.