Monday, August 10, 2009

Jesses' bitch roommate went nuts and kicked her out, so she moved in with us the other day.
I don't mind her living here, actually she's a pretty rad chick.
I really like living with people I like. Living at Angelo Place suuuucked. It's not that I didn't like my roommates, it's the fact that I didn't know them and it was kind of awkward. But now it's just like hanging out with friends all the time.

Also rent is going to be freakin cheap. I still owe Jennifer a bunch of money, but after this month-or maybe even after next week, I'll be able to start paying her back. This month was kind of expensive with all the fees to start stuff up-like water, electricity, cable. And we also had to get a bunch of stuff that are important to have but no one had-trashcan, broom, food, etc...

I went to try to sell my plasma today but turns out I can't, since I have cancer. Oh well, no cash till Friday.

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