Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wow, No post for almost a month

So, Jens and I have been together for 8 months now. He's pretty much awesome.

I bought Flight of the Conchords season 2 for $2.99 at work. That's a sweet deal if I ever saw one.

I still play Left 4 Dead alllll the time and I think I'm slowly becoming addicted to zombies.
There's a new zombie movie coming out next month that I really want to see.

I'd still want to see it if I'd never played Left 4 Dead.

I'm obsessed with dumb Facebook games. I have to check Farmville and Restaurant City every few hours. It's ridiculous and kinda sad. But I know there are others that are just as into it as I am, so I don't feel so bad.

Ziggy and Dwight are entered into the hamster race at Petco next month. Sara and Sean are bringing Timothy too. We're supposed to be sponsored by Hastings and we should be getting shirts. I really hope Tiffany goes through with the shirts. They'd be bitchin.

1 comment:

Melany said...

I want to see Zombieland too. It looks freaking hilarious!