Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pizza rolls are the shit

I can't wait for the timer to go off.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pretty Owl Necklace

This necklace is awesome.
I want it.

Here's a link to botanicalbirds etsy page. Her stuff is so pretty. I wish I could make stuff this cool.

Bioshock: The Movie?

Yesterday a friend of mine informed me that there is a Bioshock movie in production.
I'm really curious to see what it's gonna be like. I really really hope they do a good job on it.
I love Bioshock. It's such an awesome game. They better do it justice or I'm going to hunt down everyone that was involved in the making of that movie and kill them.
Ok, so I'm not going to do that. I'm not crazy. But I will be pissed if they don't do it right.

Here's the link he gave me.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I was searching for ideas for my tattoo and I stumbled across this chick.
Her art is cute and simple. Amazing.
I'm seriously considering ordering something of hers once I have some money.

Check it out here.

New News...

So last night, around 11 o'clock, as Jens and I had just pulled into our neighborhood, we saw a guy riding a bike with a giant inflatable Chester the Cheetah on his shoulders.

At first I was like:

And then I was like:

Actually, I'm just glad to have a good reason to use that I AM CONFUS picture.

Anyways, I've kind of started playing Animal Crossing again. I wish more people I knew played it. Maybe then it'd be a bit less boring.

School started yesterday. Everyone went back but me. My roommates said that parking is super shitty and there are cops that sit in the parking lots to make sure no one parks where they aren't allowed. Also tuition went up and everyone's just all around pissed at ASU. Since I'm not going to school I'll be getting more morning shifts at work, and hopefully, a couple more hours a week. I really need to start job searching again. I always get way too distracted.

Hopefully I'll get to see my sisters, mom and my niece this weekend. My sisters have a volleyball game in a town not too far from here. That reminds me, I found this cute little box at work that I'm getting for my niece. It's got stuff like stickers and pens and shit in it, but she could use it for other stuff...later...when she's got motor skills.

I've noticed that since my life has become less boring, there are actually less things I care to blog about. Strange.

I think I'm gonna work on my tattoo some more today. Maybe someday I won't be broke and I'll be able to afford it.

I'll leave you with this:
Stare at this their faces. The longer you look at them, the funnier they are.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I want a new camera

I really want to get a digital camera.
Don't get me wrong, I love my film camera. But it would be just so much easier and cheaper to have my pics already in a digital format. Also, I won't have mysterious rolls of film sitting around for months at a time. I'm always gonna keep the ol Canon Rebel K2. It was a gift and my first camera. It's got sentimental value.

I would like to get another Canon. I don't need a super awesome camera with all the bells and whistles, just a good camera...mostly because I can't afford the bells and whistles. Actually right now I can't afford just a regular digital camera. Hopefully in the next couple months I will have paid Jennifer back completely and I can start saving for a new camera.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I just realized I havn't uploaded anything to DeviantArt since April.

Dexter season 3 is out today!


In a little bit I'm gonna go into town to:
-rent Dexter season 3
-drop off a roll or 2 of film (not sure how many I have)
-get a few things from Wal Mart

Then later:
-watch Dexter
-do some laundry
-edit photos
-possibly clean my room...maybe I'll do it tomorrow.....

Now, I need to stop being lazy and blow dry my hair so I can get this stuff going.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Old friends, tattoos, and snakes

Today Mel, Karina and Valerie came into town. It was freakin awesome. I hadn't seen them in forever. Mel and Valerie wanted to get matching tattoos. They both got a jaguar head with flowers on the front of their shoulders. It looks really cool. Maybe when one of them puts up a pic, I'll post it here. Valerie went home, since her family lives here and Mel and Karina left town since Karina's gotta work tomorrow and Melody drove here. I hope I can make a trip to see them next month. Maybe Mel could drive here and then we could drive to Stephenville to see Karina. That'd be rad.

When I got home my roommates informed me that there was a snake hanging out int he wooden fence separating our neighbors porch and ours. Jennifer called Animal Control. The guy seemed kinda goofy but he was an alright guy.

I had some cookies n creme icecream, which was amazing. Now I'm about to watch yet another episode of Lost (I've been working on the first season for over a week now. srsly, that show has the longest seasons EVER) and work on my own tattoo. I want to put a running rabbit on my foot. I think it would suit me. I've been on crutches for almost 9 years, so I hop around a lot.

Anywho, I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon. Jens will be home. He went on a trip to Odessa to work at the Hastings there with a few other employees from here. I know he's only gone for a total of 2 days, but I still miss him.

Monday, August 10, 2009


I forgot to mention that this show is awesome and I can't wait until the 18th when the 3rd season comes out.
Jesses' bitch roommate went nuts and kicked her out, so she moved in with us the other day.
I don't mind her living here, actually she's a pretty rad chick.
I really like living with people I like. Living at Angelo Place suuuucked. It's not that I didn't like my roommates, it's the fact that I didn't know them and it was kind of awkward. But now it's just like hanging out with friends all the time.

Also rent is going to be freakin cheap. I still owe Jennifer a bunch of money, but after this month-or maybe even after next week, I'll be able to start paying her back. This month was kind of expensive with all the fees to start stuff up-like water, electricity, cable. And we also had to get a bunch of stuff that are important to have but no one had-trashcan, broom, food, etc...

I went to try to sell my plasma today but turns out I can't, since I have cancer. Oh well, no cash till Friday.

Left 4 Dead

I've been playing this a lot lately. I fuckin love it. I don't know why-but it's awesome.
They're coming out with the second one in the fall. Can't wait.