Monday, June 29, 2009

Today at they have this awesome shirt:
You should check out They put up something new that's on sale everyday.
There's also I'm not really into wine, but you're gonna like it-you're-you're gonna like it.

Jens' Birthday Weekend-

-Was pretty rad.
I didn't get any pictures simply because I didn't bring my camera; Jens said they probably wouldn't allow big cameras into Emos. And I would have just brought it to take pics of things other than the show, but I didn't feel like leaving it in the car in the middle of Austin. Oh well.

When we got to there the guy asked to see my ID and he stamped my hands even though I'm 21. I wasn't going to drink but it still pissed me off for some reason. I'm still a little peeved about it. Also, it was balls hot. Seriously. I was sweating so much, it felt like I had stepped into a shower with my clothes on.

The opening bands were The Murdocks and Jones Street Station. Both were pretty good. I liked the second one a little better though. The guy who played harmonica had a utility belt for all of his harmonicas. He really got into the music and he had long hair so when he was playing it looked like he was headbanging.
And of course, Ben Kweller was awesome. I've hadn't seen him before. He put on a great show. I've never really listened to him much. Don't get me wrong, I liked what I had heard, but just never put any effort into looking into his stuff. I have a new appreciation for him now. He and his band all did a freakin awesome show and I hope to see them again someday.

I'm broke as hell now but it was totally worth it.

Jens and Ethan are going to Warped Tour in a couple weeks and I'm totally jealous. Maybe next year.

Thursday, June 25, 2009



This Weekend

For Jens' Birthday.

Ben Kweller at Emo's.

Gonna be pretty sweet. We're gonna stay with Jens' brother in San Antonio, but hopefully we'll get to see Danimal before we leave Austin.

I Wish

my life was more interesting so I could post more.
I want adventures. I know it's balls hot but I want to go to the park and play around and fly kites and act like i'm a kid. All I ever do anymore is work, watch tv, play Zelda, or sit around at friends houses. I like being "grown up" I just wish every now and then everyone would relax and be a kid. Being "grown up" all the time stresses me out and makes me sad.

I'm going to make a lot lf changes once we move into the new house. It'll be kinda like a half new year-I'm making all these new resolutions in my head. I'm trying to think of as many as possible so that I'll at least keep up with a few.

I'm so excited, I can't freaking wait.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Black Keys

I've been listening to these guys A LOT lately. Mostly playing it at work, since I don't actually have any of their music. Blues/Rock, havn't listened to any kind of music like this in a long time. Glad I decided to throw Attack & Release into the cd player at work.
Heeeeeeeeeerrres a link to their myspace.


I really really wish I got Showtime so I could watch the new season. I just recently got caught up on the last one.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

I got my old N64 up and running, so I've been playing this the last week or so.
Almost done-just gotta do the last battle, which I'll probably be doing in a little bit.

I love this game. It's mah favorite.

Monday, June 22, 2009

I think I'm gonna stop using my livejournal.
I hardly ever update, and I only have about 2 friends there, and one of them is Jens and I see him everyday. So it's kind of pointless.

I started a photography blog- Lightspeed Photography. I named it after a Matt & Kim song. :D I'm hoping it'll motivate me to get back into photography. I really really like it. I know I'm no professional, but I like to think I have a knack for it.

Also, I can't fucking wait to move into the house with Jens, Jennifer and Ethan. It's gonna be fucking awesome.